

As an avid reader (and hopeful author), I am drawn to exquisite language. 
Sometimes it's the essence conveyed in a sentence, or the sentence or word 
itself that I feel drawn to. Below is a list of sentences I find inspiring, and hope 
that you will too. 

(Note: These sentences are verbatim via, use them as inspiration to craft your own

The biting wind penetrated to the core.

Unexpected onslaught of winter.

Newly refurbished edifices. 

Turrets and domes lacquered in confetti of feverish color.

Splashed with gold stars.

She smiled up at him, her green eyes filled with confidence. 

Abysmal cold, snow, and sleet. 

It was a rendering of the most famous Russian fairytale, the story of the Firebird. 
There were many versions that had inspired great art, literature, and music from
Puskin to Starvinsky. 

The walls were cold, damp, depressing.

It was a heavy gold carving, caked with jewels. 

It portrayed a figure dressed in long robes, and seated in a small pavilion with 
the draperies drawn back.

Blanketed deep in snow. 

It was something like being drawn into a vortex.

Memorizing vast repertoires of terminology.

My head was aching from the cacophony of clues.

Immortalized in so many paintings. 

The lives of the two famous poets were inextricably entangled.

Diversionary tactics.