Dark Academia

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All of my life I thought I was merely...different...taking pleasure in reading, research, and learning. I didn't know in my youth that later an 'aesthetic' known as Dark Academia would emerge. I spent some time examining this concept:

"Dark academia is a popular academic aesthetic

that revolves around classic literature, the pursuit 

of self-discovery, and a general passion for 

knowledge and learning. 

It is one of several variations, 

each with a unique subject focus.

Dark academia's best-known visual variations 

stem primarily from European cultures.

Evoking the lifestyle of Romantic-era nobles 

and intellectuals is the primary goal of Dark Academia.

People who use this aesthetic are usually referred to as dark academics" 

 or this...

"Dark academia is centered around higher education,

writing/poetry, the arts, and classic Greek and Gothic architecture.

The subculture is associated with ancient art and classic literature."

Whatever the definition, the 'aesthetic' resonates deeply with me. 

The attributes of the concept are things I've always been interested in,

I just never knew there was a name for it.