About Me

I thoroughly enjoy academic research as it pertains to English literature, particularly the Gothic novel, the sublime, and the supernatural on which I based my Masters Thesis. The aim of this blog is to educate, enlighten, and entertain. But mostly, I hope it will inspire you to read the classics, on which many of my ideas are based. The classics, after all, preceded modern literature, and inspired countless writers to pursue writing. Classic Gothic novels and the supernatural inspired me to attempt writing a novel (currently a WIP.)


Master of Arts in English Literature (graduated Magna Cum Laude)

Bachelors of Science in Communications 

When I'm not writing, I enjoy reading, shooting my camera,
 listening to music, and relaxing with friends and family. 


Do you have nestled deep within you a dream, a longing, or an urge - to create something, write something, love something, live something? I do. I have colorful, glittering threads of myths and folklore weaving a magical world, conspiring and churning in the form of ideas, sparking my imagination with an enchanted world filled with wood-wives, gypsies, bards, and witches living deep in the forest, ancient scrolls, picturesque locations, medieval maidens, magic, brave knights, monsters and more, all wanting to escape the cobwebs of my mind and spring to life.